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Die Anzeige mit FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen Verkaufsauktionen ist inzwischen verkauft und in der Suche nicht eingeschlossen!
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FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen
FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen
FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen Bild 2
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FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen Bild 42
FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen Bild 43
FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen Bild 44
Marke:  FIAT
Modell:  Ducato 35H
Baujahr:  2012
Erstzulassung:  2012
Km-Stand:  307.536 km
Standort:  Dänemark Viborg
Anzeigendatum:  19.12.2024
Angebotsnummer des Händlers:  XS90016
Versteigerung:  1
Ausführungsdatum:  2024-12-18 10:00
Enddatum:  2025-01-06 10:00
Abmessungen:  7,4 m × 2,3 m × 2,3 m
Marke:  3.0 L
Motorleistung:  179 PS (132 kW)
Kraftstoff:  Diesel
Typ:  Schaltgetriebe
Achsenanzahl:  2
Zustand:  gebraucht

Weitere Informationen — FIAT Ducato 35H Abschleppwagen

Important sales information
Seller information
Denne auktion er oprettet af Claus Møller Frederiksen, på vegne af sælger.
Der er ingen læsserampe på lokationen.
Der vil være hjælp til lastning på lokationen ved forudgående aftale.
Ved ønske om forudgående fremvisning, kontakt da, +45 27 24 03 87
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NOTE: Gælder ved udenlandsk køber. Transport og afhentning af det købte objekt skal foretages
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pågældende land sendes dokumentation på modtaget objekt til Retrade, mail:
Afhentning uden CMR dokumentation vil blive afvist.
This auction was created by Claus Møller Frederiksen, on behalf of the seller.
There is NO loading ramp at the location.
There will be help for the loading at the location by prior arrangement.
In case of prior showing. Please contact, +45 27 24 03 87
All questions related to this auction can be directed to:
To sell your machines and equipment on Retrade, find your local consultant at
NOTE: Applies to buyers outside Denmark. Transportation and pick-up are to be made of transport
agent / freight forwarder and CMR document is mandatory, when received in destination country.
export declaration is to be send back to Retrade, mail:
Pick-up without CMR documentation will be rejected.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Registration Documents: Yes
CE-marked: Yes
Kilometers Date: 16 Dec 2024
Asset overall condition: In usable condition, but minor errors may occur
MOT: 21.08.2024
Seller / Auction broker: Claus Møller Frederiksen
Location: CF - 8800 Viborg, Denmark
axle configuration: Forhjulsdrift
load capacity: 1375
Fiat Ducato 35H 180HP Monteret med 4,8x2,25 m. aluminiums lad for transport af biler og andre køretøjer
Sælger oplyser at der indenfor de sidste 10.000 km er skiftet
Kobling og svinghjul samt renoveret Gearkasse
Der er indenfor de sidste 2 år monteret en ny tachograf
som muliggør lovlig kørsel med trailer ved erhvervsmæssig kørsel over 100 km
Synet pr. 21/08-2024
så den må køre i de større byer
3,0 L Motor
Fjernbetjent spil (spil er af nyere dato)
Træk til 3000/750 kg
bilen bliver afmeldt før salg
og udleveres derfor uden nummerplader
Registreringsattest medfølger
Der er ikke læsserampe på lokationen
Fiat Ducato 35H 180HP equipped with a 4.8x2.25 m aluminum flatbed for transporting cars and other vehicles. The seller states that within the last 10,000 km
the following parts have been replaced
Clutch and flywheel
Gearbox refurbished
a new tachograph was installed within the last two years
enabling legal trailer use for commercial driving over 100 km
MOT Inspection approved 21-08-2024
The vehicle is fitted with a particle filter
allowing it to drive in larger cities
Key Specifications
180 HP
Remote-controlled winch (recently installed)
Towing capacity: 3000 kg (braked) / 750 kg (unbraked)
The vehicle will be deregistered before sale and delivered without license plates
Registration certificate included
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FIAT Abschleppwagen
Suchergebnisse: 2 Anzeigen